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The Cultural World Is Ailing. That’s Why 23 Arts Groups Have United to Give $5,000 to 100 Artists Every Week Until September

Elizabeth Alexander, president of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and Sarah Arison, president of the Arison Arts Foundation, published an op-ed on Artnet today explaining why they helped create a new $10 million relief effort for individual artists:

In dark times, artists do more than provide light; they create it and sustain it. They help us see and understand what makes us human in the face of fear and uncertainty. They give us the words and songs and dances and images with which to mourn and exalt. Rather than give antidotes or easy solutions, artists illuminate the path forward and over and through life’s most challenging moments.


Press Release
Coalition of Arts Funders Launches Emergency Artist Relief Fund

A coalition of national arts grantmakers, consisting of Academy of American Poets, Artadia, Creative Capital, Foundation for Contemporary Arts, MAP Fund, National YoungArts Foundation, and United States Artists, announces the launch of Artist Relief, which will provide rapid, unrestricted $5,000 relief grants to assist artists facing dire financial emergencies due to the impact of COVID-19.

The fund will launch with $10 million, consisting of $5 million in seed funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation matched with $5 million in initial contributions from an array of foundations across the United States.


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